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We asked Mentors and Teacher Candidates what would help, and this is what we heard...

Mentoring Practices & Tools
Six routines that represent opportunities for the teacher candidate to learn
What is this project all about?
The critical role of mentors in the student teaching (clinical) experience
During the clinical experience, aspiring teachers work in classrooms alongside accomplished educators to learn the work of the profession. With guidance, these novices closely observe instruction, actively experiment with pedagogical strategies, build relationships with students, and reflect on their own learning as well as the learning of the children. Their mentors shape these experiences and foster the development of both competent practice and a professional identity.
To do this work, however, mentors need their own specialized forms of support. This website provides these educators with introductions to mentoring practices, videos about these practices, suggested trajectories for giving increasing responsibilities over to the novice, tools to use when observing instruction, and protocols for providing feedback. We invite critique on these resources from our colleagues in the field—both experienced teachers and those learning the craft.