Connecting with Teacher Colleagues and Staff
What is this about?
The school community encompasses students, teachers, education (ELL, SpEd, STEM, etc.) specialists, administrative staff, nurses, security and cafeteria personnel, maintenance experts, volunteers, and others. Every one of them is there to support students’ well-being and learning. Connecting with teaching colleagues and other school employees is a good way for you to find out more about the culture and workings of your school community, and about the families and neighborhoods it serves.
Tips for doing this
When it comes to supporting your students, the staff and fellow teachers can offer important resources. When choosing with whom to connect, make sure you include ELL and special education specialists, counselors, and instructional coaches. They are all part of the ecosystem. Prepare a brief introduction about yourself and your role as a TC and use this prepared “quick-intro” whenever you meet someone new at your school. Of course, it is common sense to use courtesy and a professional demeanor when interacting with other adults at the school (as it is when interacting with students). More…
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